‘Push-Ups Focus’ on the “Complete Set” and “Trio Set” for National Court Reporters Association, NCRA, RPR, RDR, and State CSRs. Why Push-Ups?
Push-ups work the entire body and support core strength.
The “Purple Books” strengthen and build core support with detailed structure that has been proven in the classroom and independent study for 34 years.
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Organized test-prep material, so you pass the first time.
Working to the same goal, students, novice and veteran reporters benefit from building full, core support with the “Purple Books” from www.CRRbooks.com
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Look at what we offer: www.CRRbooks.com – detailed material, cross-referencing, terms, topics.
Structured prep material that improves skills. Test-Taking Tips; Legal, Latin, and Court Terminology; Court Reporting Rules; English and Grammar; Frequently Misspelled Words; Grammar Glossary; Frequently Misused Words, Definitions; Medical Prefixes, Suffixes, Fractures, Definitions; Computer Terminology, Technology, NCRA COPE Advisory Opinions; More.
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