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Plan for Tomorrow. Purple-Up TODAY – NCRA and State Court Reporting Exams.

 * ** PLAN FOR TOMORROW. * ** Purple-Up TODAY. ©

DO the MATH * Retesting = PRICEY! … Written Knowledge Exams, the WKT – National Court Reporters Association, NCRA, RPR, RDR, and State  Court Reporting CSR, CCR exams.

Purple Books has The Best Success Pass Rates and The Best, Organized Study Material: Test Only Once with Purple Books Sets. “Purple-Up” = Done In One with Purple Sets.

Purple-Up. Join Thousands who are Done-In-One. *Retesting IS Pricey.

Pass RPR, CSR, RDR written exams the 1st time with the BEST, Organized, Guided Instruction. *Plus, Monette customizes tutoring/coaching to assist You to efficiently reach Your goals.

Purple Books are recommended by: Wendy Beth Anderson, Yolanda Anselen, Deborah Cohen-Rojas, Shaunise Day, Joy Dee, Debbie Dibble, Kathryn Dittmeier, Debra Bollman Farfan, Joshua Foley, Anthony Frisolone, Sara Galante, Marc Greenberg, Allie Hall, Mike Hensley, Dana Highsmith — (continued below) —

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 🍎🍎 Purple Books co-author: teacher, 30+ years working w SAT & ACT exams, M.Ed., B.S. in English, linguistics, sciences. 🍎 Monette Benoit, B.B.A., CCR, CRI, CPE, court reporter, CART captioner, paralegal, instructor, tutor, author, journalist. 🍎

Purple Passers & recommendations continued: — Angie Coker Jackson, Adina King, Ashley Logston, Robert W. McCormick, Linda Walker Miller, Tara Ocana, Nancy Patterson, Tori Pittman, Christine Phipps, Jennifer Sati, Allison Sauter Shearer, Bonni Shuttleworth, Sheri Smargon, Melanie Sonntag, Dana Spear, Ann Plainos Record, Mike Rowell, Glen Warner, **Students, ** Novice & Experienced Court Reporters, Instructors.  ^^^ Listed here ~ just a portion of many, many who met Goals with Purple Books.

Please share with future Purple Passers.

Monette Benoit has spent 40+ years serving individuals in this great profession.

 * ** PLAN FOR TOMORROW. * ** Purple-Up TODAY. ©

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